
The Green Light

An award-winning short film, The Green Light, can be found among the constellation of media on the Pastor’s DVD, Volume 15. The emotionally moving narrative is both poetic and poignant.


Following the film, discussion questions allow for both small group and personalized process. It opens the door for meaningful conversation/contemplation about journeying through life, both the trials and triumphs.

The Biblical segue to Philippians 3:14 [NIV], “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” ties well with the story line of the video clip, encouraging one to persist, and press on.

The Green Light, with the integrated process questions, is featured on The Pastor’s DVD, Volume 15, available at all North American Division churches through their local pastor. Additional copies are available through AdventSource.

Fuente: Adventist Youth Ministries

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