
Hope Channel English

The Hope Channel is a Christian television network that seeks to bring everlasting hope to people around the world. We believe true inner peace and contentment is found in Jesus Christ. Our programming is designed to help people experience the abundant life that Jesus promised in John 10:10.

Our programs communicate our core beliefs from the Holy Bible:
•God is love and He has revealed Himself in His Son Jesus Christ. 1 John 4:16; John 14:9.
•Jesus is the divine Son of God and is not a created being, but is the eternal God. John 1:1.
•Jesus came to this earth to live a perfect life without sin and give His life on the cross to pay the penalty for our sin. Romans 5:6-10.
•When Jesus comes into our lives He makes us new creatures. 2 Corinthians 5:17. He writes His law in our hearts and we seek to live in a way that honors God. Hebrews 8:10; John 14:15.
•Bible prophecy reveals that the end of this world is imminent and Jesus will soon return. Revelation 22:12.
•Our mission is to help people prepare to not only live for Jesus in this world, but to also be prepared for His soon return. Revelation 22:17....Continue to Finish...

Fuente: Hope Channel
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Acerca de Todo Adventista Techs

Nos encanta escribir y informar a las personas de nuestra comunidad cristiana-adventista sobre lo que esta pasando en nuestra iglesia, ademas de tambien dar recursos para el crecimiento espiritual de nuestros lectores. Esperamos que la informacion que compartimos en este blog, sea de bendicion para todos ustedes. -Todo Adventista Techs

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