
Interview with Ana Laura Part 4

"I definitely think it's not just being versed in God, but also knowing what's going on in the world today and how God interacts with that," Ana Laura continues. "We should all know about our country, our culture, our language; it's just a constant growth. I'm never going to know everything about my religion or my country or sports, but I know I need to learn constantly. I don't want to be the kind of leader that just encourages people to wear Prada. I want to be the best I possibly can be at what I do, and I know that I have a responsibility there."

Music is her method, the everlasting love of Christ in an ever-changing world is her message, and if her debut album is any indication, Ana Laura's more than good enough to impact the world for a good, long time.
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Nos encanta escribir y informar a las personas de nuestra comunidad cristiana-adventista sobre lo que esta pasando en nuestra iglesia, ademas de tambien dar recursos para el crecimiento espiritual de nuestros lectores. Esperamos que la informacion que compartimos en este blog, sea de bendicion para todos ustedes. -Todo Adventista Techs

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